October status

It's the season of spooks, and what's spookier than a delay announcement?

Yup. EKS definitely isn't being abandoned just yet, but it is on life support. I finally decided on what EKS should be gameplay wise, but due to boring complicated reasons, I had to say goodbye to Unreal Engine, and... there isn't really a good alternative for what I need.
Now, a reasonable person would just abandon the project at that point. No good engine with support for all the features I require, under a good licence? What can I fella do?

So... I'm making my own game engine now... oof. 

This obviously wasn't planned, but hey, it's actually been going pretty smoothly. It just takes a lot longer to do, since I'm still doing this in my free time. Free time, which is being slowly choked to death.

I don't have any cool stuff to show, since it's either a massive spoiler, or just some engine stuff that nobody actually cares about.

In the meantime, I made a simple text adventure, no sounds, no images, etc, just to test the usability scripting language I made, which you can find here, if you're curious. 
Just do know that I got possessed by the Halloween spirit when making it, and it's even more fucked up than EKS... by a lot... in the name of spooks!

You can actually use the scripting language there (but it's in pre alpha), so if you want to try making some simple text adventure with it yourself, feel free to contact me. There can never be enough of testers.

That's it, see ya in a year as usual o/

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