Oh yea, this game still exists. What has the dude been doing I wonder?

A status update for those 2 people that still give a shit.

It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

Have you been eating well? I hope you have, sorry I couldn't check on you and all, I was really busy these past months. …yup, busy. Nothing I could have done to change that. Those sick win streaks in super auto pets aren't going to win themselves after all. But I have been working on stuff. Promise!

So… is there actually anything to show for it?

Well, this entire status update is happening because I got a single DM from someone asking me when the next update is coming out. I was mostly doing technical work that doesn't really have any visual results, but there are a few things I can show.

Terrain 2.0

This is a first island from the seed 0. The name is randomly generated from a set of random words, but the fact that the very first island has this name is almost fate.

So yea, floating islands are a thing now. They aren't finished, I want more biomes, more terrain variation and some simple water, and other perfectionist bullshit nobody actually cares about, but I'd say they look neat.

Completely rewritten UI

I suck at doing UI, so I'm almost certainly changing the visuals before the release, but eh. I promised to share all I have, so here it is. As you can see, I'm still learning how to draw, but I have to say that I find my placeholder art of the queen quite hilarious.

Completely rewritten story

The only cringe I'm posting today is this devlog, so you'll have to wait for whenever I decide the update is finished to see it. But seeing as I become exponentially more unhinged with each passing day… Yea, if you didn't like how fucked up the original version was, you'll have a bad time, I find the scenes too funny to stop.

So to wrap things up

Things are still happening. I hope to release an update before the end of this year, but eh. No promises.
Also, I don't really want to deal with the pain of a discord server, but if you want to ask about an update, yell about a story beat you want me to add or change, a feature you want in the game, or just tell me to kill myself, here's my discord: 

Oh yea, I also have a prototype for modding support. But that is something to be released in the far future as its own update.

See ya.

Get Evil Kingdom Simulator

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